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Points were the most common and most fashionable method of fastening the leggings to the body, thoughout history. For the most part they were just a string or ribbon with a metal cone or point on each end to aid in lacing it though holes.

Garters are used to hold up the stokings under or around the knees.


Aiglet, Aiguillette A lace with a metal tag used in the costume of both sexes. In the fifteenth century such tags were known as points and this method of fastening was used to attach the edges of one garment to those of another - for example, the hose to the gipon or doublet or the codpiece to the hose. In the sixteenth century aglets or points were commonly employed all over the costume to join decoratively the slashed edges of caps or hats, sleeves, doublets and gown skirts. The tags were often of gold or silver, chased or jewelled, and the cords were of coloured or gold silks. Sleeves, especially in Italian dress, were attached by points to the armholes and the upper sleeve was fastened thus to the separate, lower one at the elbow. Seventeenth-century aglets or aiguillettes were generally ribbons with metal tags sewn on in bunches as decoration round the waistline of the masculine doublet or the feminine gown.




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2006 March 28