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Scherzer Bridge
The Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge is a rolling lift bridge, designed by William Scherzer, This type of bridge is like a drawbridge. It has a bridge end and a weight ends and a roller between them when the bridge is opened, to let boats through. Unlike a drawbridge it roles up and out of the way. It is really something to see. The deck of the bridge actually lifts up and then away from the canal.

A Picture of the Smith's Falls Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge in the half open balenced position Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge: Picture 47 This Scherzer Rolling Lift bascule bridge is an outstanding early example of a novel concept in movable bridges, developed by William Scherzer, an American engineer. If combines the balanced counterweight of a conventional bascule bridge, with a unique rolling lift motion that all but eliminates friction. Erected in 1912-1913 to carry the Canadian Northern Railway main line across the Rideau Canal, a busy steamboat navigation system, the bridge was renowned for its ease and speed of operation, proving the efficacy of the concept.

Although declared an historic site many years before, in August 2002 the government finally mounted this plaque declaring the bridge an historic site. I was invited to the unveiling, but could not go because of Pennsic. Got there in October and couldn't find the plaque. So I asked at the railway museum and they told me it's directly across the canal from the lock master's house. That's were you'll find it, I was looking near the bridge. It's placed so you can see the bridge above the plaque. Once I found the thing I got a couple of pictures. Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge: Picture plaque-c

This beautiful bridge, was built in 1914 by the Canadian Northern Railway (CNoR) it crosses the Rideau Canal at Locks 31, in Smith's Falls, Ontario. The bridge was declared a National historic site, though there is no plaque. Privately owned and in a bad state of disrepair, there is a danger the bridge may be torn down. It is my hope that this never happens and the bridge is even restored. It doesn't look good though because the tracks on either end of the bridge have been torn up and the roadbed and embankment on the east end has even been dug up. I consider this an act of vandalism.

I am told that a Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge is being refurbished and is still in operation for CP Rail in Thunder Bay, Ontario. This bridge is owned by CP Rail is a Bascule Bridge in Thunder Bay which is the largest of its type in the world.

Gallery of Scherzer Bridge Pictures
Back in October of 2001 I went to this Scherzer Bridge and took a bunch of pictures. Partly to document the bridge but mostly so I could climb around on it, though I figured I should put the pictures on-line and share them with my comments from that trip. I hope to go back there in the spring and take some more pictures.

Maps of Smiths Falls, where you can find this Scherzer Bridge.

If you'd like to see the bridge for yourself,get yourself to Smith's Falls, Ontario, Canada. The bridge is about 3 km South of the Smith's Falls Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario. Turn left out of the Museum parking lot, going south, once you cross the Rideau River, but not the canal, turn right into the parking lot for the Rideau Canal Smiths Falls locks, the bridge is at the west end of the parking lot. You'll see it as you drive in, it's the big black beautiful bridge looking thing, like that one up there :o)

This is what you'll see as you drive in, the bridge is at the end of the road.
You can see it above the red X


Do you want to scratch build your own model of a Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge? Well there was an article in Model Railroader Magazine in November 1967 which deals with that very thing. And I've taken it upon myself to make that article available. So consider scratch building a Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge and have a look at this article from Model Railroader about how to Scratch Building a Scherzer Bridge


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2006 March 28